Solveig Lone Rivenes, PhD Candidate, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Pupils’ co-creation of data in music education research

keywords: music education, research with children, co-created data

This paper presents and discusses my ongoing Ph.D. project, where I am researching cooperation between Norwegian Municipal Schools of Music and Performing Arts (SMPA) and primary school, from pupils’ perspectives. The specific cooperation project that I am researching is Kultudag, which is a day once a week when teachers from the SMPA come in to primary school to teach music and performing arts education together with primary school teachers.  Based on a performative and participatory study, I visited one Kulturdag every week for about four months, where data was co-created by one researcher, 15 pupils (10-11-year-olds), and three GoPro cameras. This article is therefore not necessarily a study about pupils’ experiences of Kulturdag, but a study with the pupils and Kulturdag. As a theoretical and methodological approach, I draw on, among others, Karen Barads (2007) agential realism, and Karin Murris’ (201?) notion of the posthuman child.

About Solveig

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Solveig Rivenes Lone is a PhD research fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technoloy (NTNU) , Department of Music in Trondheim, Norway, where she is affiliated with the research project University-Kulturskole project (UniKuP). She holds a master’s degree in musicology from NTNU, and has previously taught in SMPA’s and in the voluntary music life. Her doctoral research focuses on pupils’ perspectives in the SMPA-compulsory school collaboration project “Kulturdag”.